Curbside Splendor Publishing

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Submissions are now closed for the Wild Onion Novella Contest: Submit your novella, between 20,000 and 40,000 words in November 2018.


  • Include work as a .doc or .docx
  • All documents should be double-spaced, in a san-serif font.
  • Feel free to let us know how you heard of Curbside Splendor.  


We're fond of gritty, urban stories, and we like realism that is slightly off-balance. As always, the best way to know if your work might be what we're looking for is to read one of our books, or a previous issue of our E-Zine

As a whole, the manuscript must not be previously published.

Simultaneous submissions are totally fine, but please inform us immediately if you need to withdraw your work. 

All other guidelines are below.

Curbside Splendor Publishing